Monday, December 7, 2015

Valentines. Blessings.

"I don't have good body shapes like those sexy chics in movies you know" She throws him a concern look, wondering if he would mind. 
"I know." He smirked. "But you have a good personality. A good heart. And that's why I love you."

The way he looked at her, even after three years, has not and never changed. That look which penetrated through her soul, is sufficient to show how much he adores her, that he would not want to lose a second to gaze at her. His eyes were fixed on hers, but she knew he was falling for her again and again. Even her flaws, her weaknesses, her annoying nature, her mischievous acts, her adventurous heart. He loves her entire being, be it the inside or out. 

He loves her in a mature way, in a way he learned from God. Merciful, Patient, Kind, Gentle.. In a way that isn't how the people nowadays follow. It isn't that kind of material love, or the sexual love, but he used the love of God to love her. He gave her grace, he gave her the best of himself and what God wants him to be like. 

And to her.. That look, gave her a sense of security, knowing that no matter how many girls are around, he'll only fix his eyes on her. That look, encouraged her, knowing that no matter how huge the trials may be, he's going to pull through things with her, together. That look, is like a silent whisperer, telling her 'I love you. You are my greatest blessing.' Without a trace of sound.

They made a prayer during Valentines Day, thanking God for this wonderful person in their lives, that they will love each other more each day, but make Jesus the love of their lives forever.